So, I stayed up late last night (well, not really if we consider I went to bed at 2300 hours Edmonton time, only I was in Halifax) and finished my lace socks:
Now, I can get some of my new yarns cast on for the flight home tomorrow.
Have been singing the good old Farewell to Nova Scotia all day.
Although I am a ready to go home, it is also sad to leave here as I have no idea when or if ever I will return.
My husband flies home every one to two years to see his mother, but due to the cost of flying across the country, my trips and our son's (since he can't fly for free any more) are far more infrequent.
Today we went to see my father in law's grave. I have not been there since he passed almost 7 years ago, and I could not stay long, as although my mother in law has aged since the last time she came out to see us, it was not right to know that six feet below us, he was laying there..... ugggghhh. I hate death.
Hope this inspires your own creativity, and give everyone a big hug....
Kathy, for some reason your new posts were not showing up in my bloglovin' daily email. I knew you were away so just thought you weren't posting while on vacation. It sounds like your trip was awesome!!!! Hubby and I were considering going to the east coast this summer too until the flood happened! And I so want to learn to knit one day!!! Yikes, another obsession?????