Friday 4 September 2020


Good Evening Internet Friends!

All that I seem to have done today is eat!  Seriously.  Made scrambled egg filled peppers this morning.  Scrambled eggs with a bit of cream and mixed in mushrooms, cheese, green onion and zucchini.  Poured the mixture in to cut in half peppers and baked.  SO YUM.  Served with toast and home made strawberry jam and a tall glass of milk.....I think all food groups are accounted for. 😼

Kiddo only had a half day of school today.  I called it the "dress rehearsal" as it was all about where and when to enter the school.  How to move from class to class and where the restrooms are located etc.  

While I waited to pick him up I stopped at Donut Party.  I LOVE their donuts.  They have awesome flavours and the donut is super light in texture.  Still pretty miffed that they refused to do drop off to my community during the pandemic, but alas they do make REALLY good donuts. 

Today I got; Birthday Cake, Rhubarb Fritter, French Toast, Banana (something), Mint, and a Salted Caramel Chocolate: 

Super Yummy as always.  We "may" have had these for lunch with a glass of milk 🤣🤣

It's Friday and I did not feel like making dinner so we went to C-Lovers Fish and Chips.  The portions were HUGE!!!  I honestly could not finish the first plate that they brought out for me.  Kiddo almost finished his but did have to leave a few fries.

Better take doggie out now for a really long walk now.....

Hope this inspires your own creativity and wishing you all the BEST Day EVER Saturday tomorrow.


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