Monday 16 March 2020

And So It Starts...

Good Evening Internet Friends!!

Hunkered down after work this evening as part of the Social Distancing that we are to be doing as a community to stop "The Beast"!  Not sure how effective that is going so far on Day 1 as there was MORE traffic on my commute this morning than usual🤷

After dinner took Kiddo and Doggie out for a walk as they both need some fresh air.

Then, because I have lost my responsibilities of lunch packing, laundry, and homework checks for the time being I spent some time in my craft room.  Project of choice for this evening was an adventure in my scrap bin to find fabric for my 2017 Darlene D'Eon Designs 52 Week Block Challenge.  In my move of 2018 I managed to misplace some of the blocks.  Here is my endeavor for this evening:


Once again, no uncut fabric was used for these blocks!!!  There is something very satisfying about turning my scrap fabric in to something else. ☺

Hope this inspires your own creativity and wishing you all the Best Day Ever Tuesday tomorrow.  Stay safe, call a friend and WASH your hands.  🙏


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