Sunday 15 March 2020

Flattening the Curve...

Good Evening Internet Friends!

It has been a while since I have had time to blog.  🤷

Today was a conscious decision to "Flatten the Curve".  In my head though I had the Good Ol' Boys song stuck in my head𝆕. 

We started the day with pancakes, fresh fruit and Quebec maple syrup.  Apparently we have no whipped cream in the fridge so added that to my Grocery Wish List.  Who knows how long that will take to get.....

After breakfast we took doggie out for a really long walk.  The neighborhood was super quiet.  No one seemed to be doing anything.  Was very odd to see. When we got back I made a batch of Rice Krispie Squares. I had bought the cereal a couple of weeks ago before the crazy shopping began.

Turned out delicious as a treat.  After that I decided to get serious about planning for the week with lunches etc and knowing that what we eat mostly has to come from what I have at home.  Banana bread of course is a staple for lunches and no worries there are still LOTS of frozen bananas in the freezer.  There will likely still be bananas there when the pandemic is over.  🤣

While the banana bread was baking I finished the toe stitching on my latest sock.  🧦

Might try to start the other one before bedtime this evening.....

For dinner I made a Cauliflower, Green Bean, Lentil Dahl as these ingredients were all available in the house.  I also made a batch of fresh naan bread to go with and topped with herbed sour cream.  So yummy and there will be left overs for tomorrow!

After dinner I finally got around to washing the basket of scrubs that I have been keeping in the garage.  I wear my scrubs to work and then change in to the hospital ones for my day at work.  At end of day I put my own scrubs on to travel home.  The reason for this is that scrubs are able to be washed in hot water and dried in a hot dryer.  

While I waited for the laundry I finished the last row of my 2018 Red and White 52 Week Block Challenge from Darlene D'Eon Designs:

This quilt called for a patch work and snowball block a week for 52 weeks.  I chose however to make this quilt larger to fit on my overstuffed bed.  I made 156 blocks instead of the 104 so I will justify my tardiness on this quilt by that factor🤣.

We have no learned that school will be cancelled indefinitely.  🏫  This is going to be interesting......however, tomorrow I will put on my scrubs, wash my hands and go stare this beast in the face!!!  Literally.  

Hope this inspires your own creativity and wishing you all the BEST Day EVER Monday tomorrow.  Staff safe and WASH your hands.  🙏


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