Thursday 19 February 2015

Home At Last.....

Good Evening Internet Friends!

We finally got home very early yesterday morning.  It was a very long day for us yesterday.
Our flight itinerary was to leave LAX late Tuesday afternoon for a direct flight home.  Our original flight itinerary was changed by American Airlines just hours before we left home, and so with a new return travel itinerary we planned to arrive early for our flight just to make sure that we were there in plenty of time and have a nice leisurely lunch at the airport .

It's a good thing we did because when our original flight was changed, our return flight was cancelled!!!  Five and a half hours of traversing with a ten year old, and our luggage between Terminals 6, then Terminal 4, back to Terminal 6, then to 5, back to 6, one more trip to 4, and finally at Terminal 5 we were given a flight home!  I would like to say that we were the only people in this situation but the long, miserable line ups we were in had many people with similar stories.  It made for a very long day and a very late, or early, dependent on how you look at it, arrival home.  We are home though ☺ 

Apparently Hello Kitty missed us:
He has not left my side now in several hours and is NON STOP purring (it's getting annoying)...

The trip was fantastic otherwise and I will blog about some of what we did later.

This evening I took a bit of time and worked on these pinwheel blocks.  I think they look rather cute:
Now to finish up some laundry and wait for my granola bars to come out of the oven and off to sleep!

Hope this inspires your own creativity...


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