Friday 3 July 2015

Knitting in the 5th Wheel in the Thunder....

Good Evening Internet Friends!!!!

This afternoon we packed up and headed out to the farm.  On the way of course I knit!!  Last Sunday while my son was at a birthday party I started to knit a pair of socks for him.  This is my first trial with children's socks:
Tah Dah!!

Since I had not been to the farm in almost a month I had basically written my garden off as with no watering or weeding, I assumed it was a loss.

Well, I am quite happy to say it has somehow survived and not only that;  here is what we had for dinner tonight:

Right now there is a beautiful thunder storm going on outside so I am watching it from inside the 5th wheel and knitting sock 2!

Hope this inspires your own creativity...


1 comment:

  1. LoVery sock :) glad to know your garden survived after no watering. Have a lovely day! Cheers :)
