Saturday 25 June 2016

What's She Doing Now???

Good Evening Internet Friends!

My blog title is probably often asked of me because what I am up to on any particular day is always a mystery!!

Today I got up early and made a Lemon Square to take to work with me because it was so well received the other day that seconds were asked for.

I packaged up and returned all the recycling.  

Stopped to visit my friend who has ended up in hospital due to complications of her pregnancy.  I packed her a little care package as well ☺

Afterwards took an afternoon nap to be ready to work tonight.

Arriving at work the smell in the underground parking garage was pretty intense.  Apparently the lines in the parking garage were painted today and there is no way to air the garage out.....the entire building smells of paint fumes.  By 1.5 hours into my shift my chest was tight and the cough was starting....other staff were complaining about nose bleeds and headaches but I got sent home cause I looked worse than every one else....getting home I doubled up on all my puffers and then took a nap.  Waking up the puffers had kicked in and I am super shaky and jittery.....chest still hurts but air can pass.

So since I am up and probably will be for a while I decided to do something productive.

First off I decided to bake mint chocolate chip cookies and knit while each batch was baking:

Since I was still feeling the effects of the puffers I decided to start on my son's end of school year teacher gift:

That's right....I have had this fabric for a really long time, but decided to start on it tonight!  For those of you who are not into quilting or sewing this is the Professional Tote.  It is an awesome bag and yes, I have even put magnetic snaps into the pockets!  This is the first side completed.  Have to be finished for Tuesday morning ☺

Hope this inspires your own creativity...


1 comment:

  1. You never sit still! LOL!!!! Always amazed at what you can accomplish in a day!
